International Clinical Advisory Board appointed

SurePulse Medical Ltd has recently appointed a Clinical Advisory Board and recently held the first meeting. Chaired by Dr Don Sharkey, the Advisory Board comprises a significant breadth of backgrounds and expertise:

  • Don Sharkey is a Clinical Associate Professor of Neonatal Medicine and honorary consultant neonatologist at Nottingham University Hospitals
  • Kenda Crozier is Professor of Midwifery and International Director in the School of Health Sciences at the University of East Anglia
  • Jon Dorling is Professor of Pediatrics and Head of the Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, at Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Katie Morris is Consultant Obstetrician at Birmingham Women’s Hospital and Reader in Maternal Fetal Health at the University of Birmingham
  • Yvonne Hooton is Clinical Specialist to SurePulse Medical Ltd; a Registered Sick Children’s nurse, Yvonne has been in paediatric and neonatal nursing/research for 30 years

The meeting was also attended by Barrie Hayes-Gill (Professor of Electronics and Medical Devices, University of Nottingham), Dr James Carpenter (CEO), and Quentin Hayes (Commercial Manager).Topics discussed included the resuscitation of newborn babies, delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin and kangaroo care,  and vital signs monitoring.

Don Sharkey, who has a particular interest in healthcare technology for babies and children, said after the meeting: “It has been very energising to bring together such a rich mixture of backgrounds and experiences to discuss real possibilities in improving neonatal care. Newborn babies, and their families, deserve the best possible care and new technology, as well as evidence-based practice change, can benefit babies and their families. Importantly, these advances will also help to reduce the significant variance in outcomes that continue to exist between regions, communities and countries.”